What legal characteristics does a domain name have?
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Domain name is a professional term for the Internet. Many people do not know much about the legal characteristics of domain names. Next, the editor of Hualv.com has compiled some knowledge about this aspect for you. Everyone is welcome to read!
What legal characteristics does a domain name have?

(1) Identity.

The original intention of the design and use of domain names is to use identification marks to distinguish computers on the network to facilitate network addressing and information transmission, so identification should be one of its basic characteristics. However, the distinctiveness of domain names is different from that of traditional marks such as trademarks. The latter has higher distinctiveness requirements. The recognition of domain names is computer recognition, which only requires subtle differences, reflecting the greater significance. Strong technical characteristics.

(2) Uniqueness.

The uniqueness of a domain name is absolute and global, which is determined by the global coverage of the network and the technical characteristics of network IP address allocation. Traditional identifiers such as trademarks and trade names may have the same identifier owned by different entities depending on the industry, product, etc. However, the uniqueness of a domain name does not vary depending on the industry, product, etc. According to the provisions of the TCP/IP communication protocol reached in the world, every computer on the Internet has a globally unique unified format address, that is, an IP address. The domain name corresponding to each IP address is also globally unique.

(3) Exclusivity.

The exclusivity of a domain name is an extension and guarantee of its uniqueness. Domain names registered with any registration agency have global validity. At the same time, the domain name registration principle of "first to apply, first to register" ensures that a domain name can only be successfully registered once, which makes the domain name inevitably have global exclusivity.