How to choose a domain name for an e-commerce website? What is the domain name of an e-commerce website?
nowcnadm Published on 2023-06-26 Category: Internet + / Domain name knowledge reading (252)
A good e-commerce website is very extreme in terms of user experience. Especially judging from the recent revision, user experience plays an extraordinary role in the website. Many people ask how to improve the website experience, and then talk about improving the e-commerce website experience from several aspects. The editor below will show you how to choose an e-commerce website domain name and what an e-commerce website domain name is.

A suitable domain name can quickly gain reputation for your website. A good URL is short, relevant, unique, and memorable. In addition to creative ideas, choosing a domain name suffix specifically used for retail and e-commerce, such as .STORE, is also a good way to seize domain name address resources, because good domain names are always scarce.

It is best for the domain name to contain the company name or industry category, and 3 to 8 characters are most suitable. And pay attention to trademark protection. For example, if you want to register a .store domain name, it is best to consult the registrar to see if the corresponding trademark can be protected together. Domain name is currently the most widely popular universal domain name format in the world, with more than 10 million users worldwide. All international companies will register the com domain name; of course, you can also choose an international domain name ending with com.

When resources are depleted, biz will definitely take its place. You don't need to compare with .com to find that biz can make your company stand out.

biz frees you from the confusion of your current domain name;
biz is the only global domain name designed to help you build, strengthen and expand your online business;
biz uses the latest technology to give you a timely and secure Internet address;
biz show the world that you are a serious player;
The company domain name is a new top-level domain name, which means: company, companionship, companion, company; registration requirements: no requirements.

Times Internet is a domain name registration service agency certified by ICANN, with more than 20 years of industry experience! There are many types of domain name suffixes, many registration promotions, and convenient management; it supports convenient functions such as batch query, batch registration, batch analysis, intelligent analysis, and batch transfer. It also supports multiple flexible transaction methods such as preemptive registration, fixed price, and PUSH.